Sunday, September 13, 2009

New Direction

Woohoo!!! I'm no longer unemployed!! ^^

Finally, after three months of searching and applying and hearing next to nothing, I've finally managed to secure a job. And I've found that it's amazing how much better I feel about myself and my situation now. As my dad says, nothing makes you appreciate a job more than unemployment.

I am now a Gallery Host at a nearby hotel (and a very nice hotel at that). Basically I am responsible for making/changing/canceling reservations, checking people in and out, greeting people at the door, fielding telephone calls/questions/complaints, giving tours, helping with the continental breakfast, preparing hot meals, and making Starbucks coffees and teas. I'm still training at the moment but I'll be on a regular shift by this upcoming weekend, which is exciting. And this is the first time that I've ever had to wear a uniform other than for band....

And to make things even better, autumn has come to Texas, or at least to Dallas. I love autumn; it's my favorite season in the year. It's just so colorful and moody.

Anyways, from now on I think that the direction I'll be taking in my blog will be focused on my ultimate career goal: creating a school.

Many of those who know me will know of my love of learning languages. And I've come to realize that foreign language education in the Texas public school system sucks. So, for many years now, my career goal has been to open sort of a dual language school. The students would learn everything they would learn in a normal public school (hopefully at a higher standard), but in at least two different languages.

So, from now on that is what the focus of my blogs will be: foreign language education. Welcome to my new beginning.