Monday, August 18, 2008

It's hard to believe that it's August. I have been so incredibly busy for the past month that it feels like years have passed between my last post and this one. So let me give you guys an update.

Finals were torture. I had two term papers due (one four pages and one ten pages), 3 final presentations (2 of which had to be in Japanese), and 3 final exams (2 of which were in Japanese). Somehow I managed to get it all done without going TOO crazy. And then immediately after my last exam I went to pick up my dad at the airport. A couple of months earlier my dad decided that he wanted to come visit with me. So we arranged it where he would come visit me for my last week and a half in Japan and we would fly home together. But I'll elaborate more on that later.

We flew back home on August 1st from Tokyo and got home in one piece. Since then I've been trying to get over my jet-lag and get ready to move back down to Austin. We got home from the airport at 12:30 AM on 8/2 and, of course, I couldn't go to sleep until about 3:30 AM. And then I slept until 5:00 PM! So my sleep schedule has been pretty off lately. I caught up on all of my doctor appointments and yesterday I moved into my new apartment in Austin.
