Sunday, August 12, 2007

Good News!

Well, I finally got my Certificate of Eligibility! WAHOO!

Yesterday I had my eyes checked and ordered a year's supply of contacts. Fun. Then I went to DSW to get a new pair of shoes that I can actually do a lot of walking in and then I stopped off at Barnes & Nobles. (I can never have too many books!)

And then I made a wonderful discovery yesterday. I know some of you will think "Duh! It's about time" and roll your eyes, but I had never thought to look for stuff on So I've finally ordered a Kanji dictionary, and hopefully it'll be a good one. And then I received my Certificate of Eligibility! It's purple and yellow and has an absolutely horrible picture of me on it, but it's finally here!

But I also got a bill for my first semester of housing, so approximately ¥262,500. Which isn't too bad, I guess. It's just that there will be a two month period in the spring where there will be no school. So I have to figure out exactly what I will be doing during that time...

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